There exists a kind of peculiar antipathy between the bodies
of certain persons, which, though barren with respect to
each other, are not so when united to others;[1] such, for instance, was the case with Augustus and Livia.[2] Certain individuals, again, both men and women, produce only females,
others males; and, still more frequently, children of the two
sexes alternately; the mother of the Gracchi, for instance,
who had twelve children, and Agrippina, the mother of Germanicus, who had nine. Some women, again, are barren in
their youth, while to others it is given to bring forth once only
during their lives. Some women never go to their full time,
or if, by dint of great care and the aid of medicine, they do
give birth to a living child, it is mostly a girl. Among other
instances of rare occurrence, is the case of Augustus, now
deified, who, in the year in which he departed this life, witnessed the birth of M. Silanus,[3] the grandson of his granddaughter: having obtained the government of Asia, after
his consulship, he was poisoned by Nero, on his accession to the
Q. Metellus Macedonicus,[4] leaving six children, left eleven
grandsons also, with daughters-in-law and sons-in-law,[5]
twenty-seven individuals in all, who addressed him by the
name and title of father. In the records of the times of the
Emperor Augustus, now deified, we find it stated that, in his
twelfth consulship, Lucius Sylla being his colleague, on the
third day before the ides of April,[6] C. Crispinus Hilarus, a
man of a respectable family of the plebeian order, living at
Fæsulæ,[7] came to the Capitol, to offer sacrifice, attended by
eight children (of whom two were daughters), twenty-eight
grandsons, nineteen great-grandsons, and eight granddaughters,
who all followed him in a lengthened train.
1. This opinion is maintained by Hippocrates, and by Aristotle, Hist.
Anim. B. vii. c. 8, and is referred to by Lucretius, B. iv. c. 1242, et
2. The case of Livia and that of Agrippina, referred to by Pliny, are
mentioned by Suetonius, in the Life of Augustus, c. 63; and that of Caligula, c. 7.—B.
3. M. Junius Silanus, consul under Claudius, A.D. 46, with Valerius
Asiaticus. He was poisoned by order of the younger Agrippina, that he
might not stand in the way of Nero.
4. He is first mentioned in B.C. 168, when he was serving in the army
of Æmilius Paulus, in Macedonia, and was sent to Rome with two other
envoys to announce the defeat of Perseus. He united with the aristocracy
in opposing the measures of the Gracchi; and the speech which he delivered
against Tiberius Gracchus, is spoken of by Cicero m high terms, as replete
with true eloquence.
5. He left four sons and two daughters; some writers say three. The
ten individuals, over and above his children and grandchildren, may have
consisted of the wives and husbands of his sons and daughters then living,
as also of others who had died in his lifetime.
6. 11th of April.
7. See B. iii. c. 8.